Monday, March 14, 2022

Top 5 Sources of News and Information

In today's day and age, it's easier than ever to get information on pretty much anything and everything. With the internet providing instant answers for peoples beckoning questions, the news reporting stories 24/7, and the ability to share one's thoughts with those looking to listen, misinformation has never been greater. This is why it's important to use a variety of credible sources that communicate information transparently, accurately, and represent multiple point of views. As a college student, it's important to be aware of what's going on since I'm a part of the generation who's raised to actually do something about it. That being said, I look for sources who can provide me with a quick run down on current events so I have time to investigate further and come to a conclusion through evaluating all of the information from multiple sources. I tend to sway towards digital and broadcast media for my news since I always have access to a phone or laptop to access information. I'm always open to another opinion, side of the story, or platform to get news from. The following sources are my current top sources of news and information. 

Google News is what I turn to first for information. It reports the most current news, is easily accessible, and has changeable settings to filter news based on where one would fall in market segmentation. With Google News, information is plentiful, organized, and credible. Also, I can easily share articles, videos, or interviews with friends. The database includes gadgets like fact check, an in-depth option to go past the headlines, displays the weather based on current location, spotlight articles, trending news, includes content and branding control, and has forty-one language options. I also like Google News because it gives the user access to multiple channels of media. I would recommend this platform as a first round source for information because it's efficient, user friendly (can access via app or webpage), promotes information from a diverse population of publishers (CNN, FOX, smaller reporters, on-site journalists, etc.) and allows me to personalize content. 

BBC World News is a global television (stems from BBC News) network that communicates international information in English to its audience. I like BBC when I want to learn about international news and to get a point of view other than American. Being the most popular television news network, it also has a site where users can browse the selection to find news that interests them. The site also includes links to live feeds of current events allowing the viewer/reader to feel like they're getting the information first hand and podcasts. With BBC World News I'm able to search information regarding technology, sports, worklife, War, etc. from countries including Europe, Asia, Australia, US & Canada and more. To me, this source helps bridge the communication gap between countries by providing the same stories to different people all over the world. When I'm talking with family in India about a matter outside both of our regions, like the crisis in the Ukraine, I often refer them to BBC World News articles because of the access, continuity in info, and clarity in delivery.  This way they're able to read articles to understand where I got the information, decide how they feel, and refer me to stories where I can see how they got to their conclusion. BBC World News is a great source to use with the international English speaking geodemographic (18 and up) who is able to access the broadcast or webpage and is interested in global matters. 

Twitter was a personal favorite of mine when former President Donald Trump frequently took to the trendy online news and social media app to expose the media, share unfiltered thoughts, and inform the American public about whatever he felt like sharing. Users can send (aka "tweet") out short messages up to 280 characters, memes, and share clips/links as they wish, so long as there's a strong signal for internet access. Twitter also allows users to report accounts with disturbing or incorrect information and even has the power to ban or block certain accounts and posts. Twitter allows people to connect and share information with a massive audience. With Twitter, what news you get is up to who you follow, what they post, and what messages the algorithm chooses to send to reinforce what you're seeing. I think Twitter gets a bad rep for being childish or unprofessional when it actually can be a great source for prominent people (or not) to be transparent and personal with their following-allowing a direct channel for the flow of information. I'd recommend Twitter for the person who likes to interact on a more personal level online, follow small-to-big time influencers, and are heavy users of social media. 

Associated Press
, founded in 1846, is a historic independent global news agency who reports information that is unbiased, accurate, and interesting to its target audience. In the Associated Press, journalists they publish are known to be more credible because of the requirement to cite all of their dependable sources used. This news agency also has content available in multiple formats such as videos, articles (written by their vetted journalists), photographs (most taken by the AP agency), websites, and streams. For politics I tend to fact check other news stations or reporters using Associated Press because of their neutral take. One may ask, how can they be so "unbiased" if their a news station? I'd answer with Associated Press being an independent non-profit. Donors and sponsors of the agency do not have influence over the company's endeavors-their input into what news is published or covered is minimal and much less than bigger broadcast news stations like CNN or FOX. This news agency also has a website viewers can go to with recorded news segments to watch and separates themselves from the competition with a section called "listen" that's linked to AP Radio's hourly updates. 

There's also a "Top Stories" section that pulls from new stories all over the world. They also feature stories by people living in the area of topic or on site journalists so the audience knows what's going on from a primary sources point of view. Articles that are republished are fact checked as this news source prides themselves on providing information transparently and reporting with honesty on a global scale. This agency also has social media accounts to stay relevant and reach their mass audience across various platforms. I would strongly recommend Associated Press to the person who's looking for the facts rather than information to reinforce their bias and beliefs. I encourage everyone to check out their website if you haven't already. It's super easy to use and is well organized in segments like U.S. news, world news, entertainment, AP Investigations, climate and more. Their audience reach is extensive as they report more than half the world sees news by the Associated Press everyday with their team in over 250 locations worldwide to get information. This company reports information that's for the people's benefit, to create awareness, and provide an unbiased report of it all. 

National Public Radio, better known as its acronym NPR, is an American non profit media organization  founded in 1970. Voiced by Guy Raz, NPR delivers breaking news, information about cultures, podcasts, music, satirical cartoons/comics, and shows. It's also available to access through the app, radio station, socials, and website. I find NPR to be entertaining and it's content easy to understand. This source is for the person who would rather listen to their news than read about it. However, NPR's webpage does feature all of its media, including its extensive collection of news articles covering topics from 44th U.S. President Obama testing positive for the coronavirus to NFL quarterback Tom Brady coming out of retirement. NPR is a great community builder and has newsletters, social media groups, and a tab called 'getting involved with NPR' to connect and interact with its audience. Their mission is to create a more informed American public as they use a web of local networks to cover stories from the local to national to global level. 

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