Friday, March 11, 2022

Getting to Know Me

Hi everyone, my name is Sophia and welcome to my first blog post. 

I was born in Washington, D.C. and shortly after moved to Prince Frederick, Maryland where I was raised with my four siblings. As the oldest of four, I'm usually the one to command the room or try and stop chaos from ensuing. To two parents from California, Maryland was quite a shock, but alas they chose to stay. I live in Calvert County, MD and attended Calvert High School where I graduated as valedictorian and senior class president. I grew up swimming, volunteering, and traveling. My most recent adventure was over break to Mumbai, India where I spent time with my Parsi mother's side of the family. I'm classically trained in the violin, but enjoy all types of music in addition to classical. At home I like to spend time with my family at our Canal House, go on runs (with my definitely not purebred dog), and attend concerts put on by the local Calvert Marine Museum. 

Currently, I'm a sophomore at High Point University, the tokened premiere life skills school where we pay a hefty price but enjoy the lavish luxuries on campus like fountains, gardens, and our President Nido Quebin. My major is a tough one to get into-solely because I'm still not quite sure what I'm doing. Yes, I'm an undeclared second semester sophomore. For those who didn't wince as soon as they read that let me translate. Usually, it's encouraged to start college off as undeclared major if one is not a hundred percent sure what they want to do in life-for most people that's the case. However, after High Point students spend their first year meeting with success coaches, career and professional development office, and take a couple undergraduate courses-they figure it out. Despite using these resources and taking every undergrad requirement necessary, I still can't commit. To be honest, I've just so happen to take a lot of the communications classes so I'll most likely major in this lengthy titled degree: Advertising, Public Relations, and Strategic Communication. I'm also three classes short from getting a minor in environmental science so that could be in the works. Stay tuned to find out. 

With that being said, one might assume I do not give much effort in these meaningless classes since I don't have a major. It's actually just the opposite. In my classes I tend to focus on detailed note taking, being attentive to the lecture, and helping classmates. I enjoy working in teams and I learn best The focus of my studies here is to improve my writing, speaking, and widening my breadth of knowledge on anything I possibly can. I'm on the Executive Consuel for Spanish club, a Leadership Fellow, and a Presidential Scholar. Outside of the classroom I work as an event server and hostess in the 1923 Bistro at the Emerywood High Point Country Club, private since 1923. 

After HPU undergrad, I plan on getting my masters in Communication and Business Leadership-from there, who knows. I'd like to think I'd be working for a company as a social brand communicator or traveling for my work. Ideally, I'd like to live outside the United States and move to Spain or Singapore. 

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